Learning to learn in digital environments
In order to tackle these challenges, the main goals of the DIGI-LEARN project are:
- Identifying relevant best practices in learning to learn in a digital environment, creation of digital training programs for senior learners or learners with low digital skills and publication of a report.
- To create a training program that is focused on learning to learn in digital environments that will be completed with face-to-face activities and workshops with teachers and trainers.
- The project will set the basis of creating training materials demanded by teachers and educators that work with adult learners, but will set the basis for allowing participants to go beyond the project scope.
WP / Project results:
- WP1 – Project Management.
- WP2 – Dissemination and exploitation.
- WP3 – Creation of training curriculum and training materials.
- WP4 – Creation of the e-learning platform and piloting the courses and materials.